"Because Yeshua is our Shalom: from the two peoples he has made one, breaking down through his sacrifice the wall of enmity that separated us.

He did this to create in himself from the two peoples a new humanity by making SHALOM."



To instruct the non-Jewish believer on how to present the Messiah of Israel to the Jewish people.

To teach the relevance of Israel in the fulfillment of promises and the prophetic clock it signifies within the divine plan.

To teach that Yeshua did not come to abolish the law, nor to establish another religion.

To teach obedience to the Scriptures in order to keep the commandments, guidelines, and ordinances framed in the Torah in a non-religious manner and with the commitment not to Judaize.

To be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit of God.

To depend on His grace and receive forgiveness through the sacrifice of Yeshua.

To teach the scriptures of the Tanakh exclusively, without following writings or rules agreed upon by men (halakha, oral law).

We unconditionally support the nation of Israel and its people.


We are a kehilá (congregation) of Jews and non-Jews who believe in Yeshua,
sharing the biblical values of the Tanakh and the New Testament.

We seek to present Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, to the Jewish people,
confirming his coming through the fulfillment of the Tanakh Prophecies.

We work to raise awareness among believers (non-Jewish) about the biblical roots of their faith and to share with them that they have been grafted into spiritual Israel, without replacing the people of Israel. We understand that we are two peoples separated by history, but both heirs to the promises of the God of Israel,
thus creating unity.


We study the Bible verse by verse.

We conduct discipleship studies in homes.

We gather every Shabbat to praise the God of Israel and study His Word.

We celebrate the Lord's Feasts outlined in Leviticus 23 of the Torah.

We have two school campuses and a Shabbat school for children and teenagers.

We offer classes on Hebrew letters and courses on various topics such as Inner Healing, Besorah (the Gospel in the Stars), Parenting Course, and Marriage Counseling.


Join us 
We offer classes for children and youth that promote the understanding of Mashiaj's
festivities and their observance, as well as character formation classes. 

Bet Shalom México
Shabat (every Saturday at 12:30 hrs) 

Bet Shalom San Antonio Tx.
(every Friday at 7 p.m) 

Bet Shalom Dallas Tx.
(every Saturday at 6 p.m)  


There are two problems that Gentiles used to struggle with in the first century, and although the Bible gives us wonderful solutions to these two problems, they still affect many people today!

What are these problems, and what help does the Bible give us to solve them? 

Hebrew holidays

The celebration of all Yeshua's Feasts is open to all members of the Kehila, whether by divine mandate as Jews or as Gentiles who wish to learn more deeply about the meanings of each feast and their fulfillment in Yeshua.

The following feasts will be celebrated in various forms.



SHEVAT Thursday January 11 6:30 pm
ADAR 1 Friday February 9 6:30 pm
ADAR 2 Sunday March 10 6:30 pm
NISAN Monday April 8 6:30pm
IYAR Tuesday May 7 6:30 pm
SIVAN Thursday June 6 6:30 pm
TAMUZ Friday July 5 6:30 pm
AV Sunday August 4 6:30 pm
ELUL Monday September 2 6:30 pm
TISHREI Wednesday October 2 6:30pm
JESVAN Friday November 1 6:30 pm
KISLEV Sunday December 1 6:30pm
TEVET Monday December 30 6:30pm 


Book Forgiveness Thank You Revelation

If there is only one God there must be only one way and one truth. Most people who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob believe in that God, but most do so out of being faithful to family or group traditions and not necessarily out of conviction. This book clearly shows that God is the God of all, He is the God of the Jews and the God of the Gentiles, that He is no respecter of persons and that He has a plan of redemption for all.


How can massive animal migrations like the monarch butterfly, an ecologist, a Jew who does not want to be a Jew, a peaceful Palestinian terrorist, a converted Rabbi in a democratic government, a recent discovered gene, a Bible prophesy and undoubtedly the Messiah contribute to reach the peace of Israel?

¨The Signature of God¨ is a geopolitical tale of emotions, adventures, and connections as a group of unlikely collaborators that are brought together to achieve peace in the Middle East. The events and names are fictitious, but the data and the basis are real. Can this be an opportunity to change history? Perhaps it would be a dream come true.

Courses and workshops

- Hebrew letters course
- Marriage counseling
- Hebrew roots courses
- Leadership course
 - Bible study
 - How to share the Good
 News to the Jew
- The Jewish holidays (of the Lord) and their fulfillment in Yeshua
- Jewish Symbolism
- Israel and the end of times
 - Celebration of Easter as Yeshua celebrated it and its prophetic fulfillment.
 - The bitter history of the church and why we must ask forgiveness of the God's people.

Frequent questions

What are the bases for accepting that Mashiach has already come?

Zechariah 13:6

Psalm 2:7

Psalm 2:11-12

Psalm 22

Proverbs  30:4

Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 42:1-9

Isaiah 53:12